¿Cuál es la explicación mas lógica del asunto de contagio con el Covid-19?
Según el intelectual Holandés Maurice de Hond la siguiente hipótesis nos ofrece una explicación:
“La transmisión de influenza y COVID-19 se realiza casi en su totalidad a través de aerosoles. Los inhalas y con eso el virus ingresa a tu cuerpo. Tienes que estar expuesto a él/ los aerosoles durante un tiempo determinado, de lo contrario no estarás infectado / no enfermo”.
Significado de la palabra aerosol según Wikipedia: Una suspensión coloidal de partículas de líquido o sólido en un medio gaseoso. El profesor Shelley Miller en uno de sus artículos describe bien los aerosoles. Véase : https://earthsky.org/human-world/coronavirus-microscopic-droplets-infectious-aerosols
Las 5 respuestas de la hipótesis de Maurice de Hond:
What is the most logical explanation of the Covid-19 contagion issue?
According to the Dutch intellectual Maurice de Hond the following hypothesis offers us an explanation:
“The transmission of influenza and COVID-19 is carried out almost entirely through aerosols. You inhale them and with that, the virus enters your body. You have to be exposed to him / the aerosols for a certain time, otherwise you will not be infected / not sick ”.
Meaning of the word aerosol according to Wikipedia:A colloidal suspension of liquid or solid particles in a gaseous medium. Professor Shelley Miller in one of his articles describesaerosols well. See: https://earthsky.org/human-world/coronavirus-microscopic-droplets-infectious-aerosols
The 5 answers to Maurice de Hond's hypothesis:
1.Because aerosols evaporate outdoors and don't stay in one place, people rarely get infected outside in the outdoors. Even if there is a patient in your home, the rest of the household does not need to be contaminated by aerosols.
2.It can be due to ventilation and humidity in the house, or that one does not stay with the patient for a long time and that the patient emits few aerosols during that time.
3.In super broadcast events, people are in a room or closed space for 2 to 4 hours with the sprays of an infected person and this is dangerous. Generally, at home, a person lasts less time in the same space, or there is ventilation. That is the reason why people get sicker in these events where there is not good ventilation.
4.Aerosols are spread through rooms through internal ventilation systems and then remain for a long time. As a result, many people present on ships and in care facilities are infected.
5.In refugee camps in Africa and India, people's houses / tents are such that there is always natural ventilation. Even if an infected person emits aerosols, they don't take long enough to infect someone. This is why we see so few infections there.